I would never ask your location. Just saying I hope lol. Good luck. Hope you get him Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Same here...we haven't had decent rain in 3+weeks. My weekend plan is tentatively includes sitting on/near water. This also may mean mosquitos...
Well my big jobs are done, I have nothing pressing. My wife is off till 11/17, tomorrow starts my push for a buck in Pa and Ohio. Cut in a Fu Manchu, this means war!
That’s a great buck, A few years back I was hunting Ohio and was all bummed bc it was high 70’s I almost shot a giant buck, never know! Gotta keep it straight between the ears!!
Never hunted this stand with the corn picked. Welcome to the greatest time of year! Appreciate what we have. Thank you LORD!
Back in the stand. Tucked into a little corner that my camera shows does 5 out 7 days come in at 6pm (30 min before sunset). Just a waiting game. Looking like good weather this weekend so I’ll probably be out both days. Also got this guy on camera here.
Been up for about an hour. Bumped a group of four does and fawns bedded right behind the stand, luckily they had no clue what I was and they settled down quick and browsed away from me allowing me to get in the stand. Although I’d love to shoot another doe for the freezer it won’t be out of this stand. Good luck pm shift!
Let’s see how this spot does. Surrounded by acorns, have the crossing trail covered. Can’t seem to upload pics lately. But just imagine a dude on a ridge, little creek behind him, open field ahead, acorns for days.
Been set up for 30 minutes. 0 daytime activity on this south end with no water. Not really sure why I came back here. Always forget how far of a walk it actually is (.9 miles this time). Seems longer when I’m walking through an extremely dry corn field. Think I will suck it up and walk the edge until it’s picked. It’s so loud walking through. Good luck everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m back up with better temperatures. Saw 3 does this morning but no bucks followed In a different stand this evening. Gonna take tomorrow off to get everything washed an attend my 50th class reunion tomorrow afternoon I’ll be hunting every day after that Good luck to everyone who’s out today