So lets try this again hows your mast looking and are you guys setting up on any one thing in particular?
Acorns are just starting to show on trees in Arkansas, it has been a dry summer. More rain is in the forecast next week, so hopefully they will start popping soon. I have a trail camera out on the white oak grove where I killed a buck last year in November. I think I was on the tail end of those oaks being hot. I plan on hunting it mid-October when they should begin dropping. It ought to be a reliable doe killing spot if I time it right. Found a few others in other locations while scouting, but it is still early with the heat of the summer.
Acorns are everywhere again here in Sw Pa , they are dropping on my farm and in some other urban spots I hunt. I like to setup on an oak flat or ridge by a green field if possible early season. Had excellent success with this over the years. Just have to find which ones the deer are targeting at different times of the year and it is magical. Seems like they go to the white oaks first where I hunt.
Acorns are just slowly starting to drop here. Looks like a good year for them here. Red oaks around my house are loaded and huge.
Man! You know it. I'll make the ozraks this year, but probably won't make the P hill trip this year. You and the family good?
I'd like to try that Ozarks hunt once I can get away from work and hockey. That's still a couple of years at least. Yes, all are good! Boys are growing and I'm shrinking. Wife is still the tattooed one! I'm thinking she'll run out of canvas one of these days but who knows. How y'all doing?
We just moved into our new home about 6 weeks ago, so we are great...and exhausted. Good to hear you all are good! My wife has all the tattoos too. Lol. They'll run out of spots eventually. Ha! Hopefully I can get out that way for a visit next year and try to link up with you. Or I'll see you in the Ozarks.
I'm gonna do my best to add to this thread this year. Yall ready to see me take my first ever black bear?? I think im finally set up and ready to make it happen.....
Also, if any of my old school brethren are down for an E TN hunt camp this fall hit me up. We'll make something happen.
Where in E Tenn you thinking about? I'm I'm the asheville nc area and never really considered hunting Tennessee because I have no clue where to go. I could see that being a close state to hunt and love that entire area.
We're in Butler, it's about and hour and a half from AVL. Really a nice drive actually, we go to shows down there regularly.
Picked up some mock scrape ropes and drips today, when do you y'all start setting up scrape lines? Is it too early to get something going? I'm trying to get these bucks coming through the plot more often, they definitely changed patterns with acorns starting to drop.
Get a T post and a 4 foot stick. Make a mock scrape with it and your dripper in the plot. Remember to think about prevailing winds and where shots might be from based on the t post location. No it's not to early. Hard horns are about a week or so away...
The biggest thing about scrapes is they have to be in the right spot. They use lick branches all year around. But as they shift to different food sources and bedding areas obviously the spot they need to be changes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If doing that in a plot try putting in an aromatic rub tree. If you have saplings like Sassafras, bkl. Walnut, basswood. What ever young tree you notice your deer like rubbing. Just dig a post hole tamp tree into it and hang your scent from that. I purposefully planted Sassafras trees on our place for this. Once they mature they root sucker big time. Grow fast and give a yearly supply of saplings to use.
There are both black walnut and bass wood trees scattered around the plot and a smaller 6" bass wood right in the middle, that's the tree I planned to hang scent from.