Let my front field go and look what fulled in...take that for the win and will add radish in the late summer.
Cameras have been out about a month. Should probably get out there and pull chips/trim vegetation. Think I have 6 or 7 Tactacams now but won’t activate them until the season starts. Not doing North Dakota opener this year. Buddy who I always go with will be on an Alaskan hunt so I called it off. Shoulder is still giving me issues but it does feel better. Still haven’t shot at all. Been doing at home exercises with light weights. Hoping that improves things. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’ve shot all year. 3 Winter leagues. Since the end of the leagues 3D shoots every wkend and About 2 or 3 times a week at home. gotta keep that eye sharp. the 1 pic with 2 arrows was at 33 yards. The other pic with one arrow was at 40. new bow. Mathew’s Lift 33
New gas string put on in January. VXR 31.5 Black gold ascent verdict assault site. Dead center stabilizer U bee grip. 4 arrow side quiver Stand Lite
You forgot to say price buddy. I'm waiting for the Lift but as I know how well you take care of your stuff I'm sure your bow will be gone fast. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Put the new Vec99 set (Catfish) on the SR350 a month and a half back or so ... after the initial setup/tune and 300+ shots later I went to FP's/BH's. ... after a slight adjustment with the Deadlock both are now hitting same POI ... still gonna be Black Hornets and Exodus 100grs for the BH's .. however, Ive been playing around with going back to Blazers. Been using Fusion/GoldTip 2.75" vane the last 3 years, but I keep going back to Blazers (they work !) .. I'll see after comparing both and BH's/FP's ...
our central 'Sconnie plots are looking sexxxxxy. Hopeful the rain keeps it up through the summer. I am really going to hit WI hard early this season, then I'll be in MI from about Oct 27 - Nov 15. In WI, we've only got one cam out so far on a water trough, starting to see decent growth but it's been sporadic and it will be another couple weeks before anything really starts showing character. I will probably start shooting next weekend. Got an arrow build project that I've been putting off for too long. I came across a deal on CamoFire at the end of the 22 season, got Muddy Onyx .165s @ 11.7gpi. Started this thread https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/muddy-bloodsport-onyx-micro-diameter-arrows.101193/ and never got around to building them, and didn't get a chance to fling a single arrow last season anyway! Hopefully that changes on both accounts. I'll be poking around here on the Forum a bit more in the coming weeks. Hope your summers are treating ya'll well.
Have an elk bow tag in New Mexico. The unit I drew has a ton of elk just wide open with long shots so I have been practicing already. Also gonna try and get a pronghorn this fall. We have a baby on the way, so my hunting season will be blown up a bit but the new “paternity leave” gives me 3 months off which will be November and December so hopefully get some time in Missouri. Hope everyone is having a great summer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First western hunt for me this fall. Been shooting a ton, just got my PA license and first doe tag Monday. At the cabin for the week and deer are everywhere right now. Lots of mom and fawns and a few buck starting to grow. Really stoked about this season! Good luck to everyone this year!
On a work trip to Idaho. We are working with the F-15s at mountain home but staying in Boise. Brought my bow to practice on off time. Idaho has large 3d courses with full sized tgts in the mountains and the whole course is free. Great course and no money spent. It was pretty awesome. That is Boise in the background. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Interesting cam check this afternoon. 2 more camera lenses claimed by stupid ass birds. Think that’s 5 now in the last year and a half. Been running cams 7+ years never had a problem. Brackets snapped on the back of one camera. Had to improvise and hope it holds. A lot of big tracks in the fields. I just need to get better at finding their main trails/travel patterns during the summer months. It’s so think/swampy in the woods that we have. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk