I must be the only bowhunter who can consistently pick a tree in the forest that the sun will hit until almost sunset.
That was intense! Two bucks just came in down wind and the little one was at 8 yards. The 9 pointer with a narrow spread never came close enough for a shot or a picture.
Had a turtle walk by at 10 yards. No deer yet here Sent from my SM-G990U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
That's different. I came across this guy last week while checking cams. I've only seen three of them in the woods in 20 years of hunting this area.
This is the 9 point. I think he is a 3 year old. Needs another year, but that got the Ole pumper going.
Shot right over a decent buck at last light shot for 30 he was about 23 just in a rush Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm stoked for tomorrow , he was still going when I left. The trails are clean, the stand is all set to climb. The foot tied to the seat. All that is needed is tow rope for the cross bow. The wind will be great for anything coming of the fields. That and coming up out of gully.
We had 2 opportunities tonight but everything was walking dead at us. No wind so any movement was killing us. Huge doe had her nose on us for along time standing in the corn. She finally came across and got to 25 but little man not sit still that long and she stomped and told us goodbye. Then had a nice 8 come across the same path right at us again. He got to 20 and I held fulldraw for ever. Let down and he came closer but 2 limbs kept me from shooting plus he was still heavy quartering to us. He finally looked up and was gone in a flash. Great night but no points for us!
I wouldn’t have thought it but I didn’t see a deer. I heard a couple walking but that was it. I’ll go back in the morning and kill/no kill/no matter what I see I’ll move to a different spot tomorrow afternoon.