I thought so too. Parts of that island have 0 trees. Believe I may have found a good one on a travel pattern. Kayak in and walk about 50 yds straight line into any North wind.
Ive been using regular Bass Pro brand and they have been lasting 4 to 6 months. Good enough for my cheap rear end.
Got down to MD Saturday to plant our food plots and hang stands on the private land. Also bumped over to the public land to pull cameras and replace some batteries. To my surprise the one SPYPOINT that never sent a single picture was taking pictures the whole time and found some good bucks moving through the last week of October and later on in November. Got a new camera hung there and already got some good bucks coming through!! Can’t wait for the 6th!!
Here's a couple pics sent to me this morning from the guy who hunts the other end of the property that I hunt during the rut.....Hopefully I will get a chance at him in November
Neighbor sent me this yesterday. Camera is maybe 200yds from me and haven’t seen him. Move to the SE soon buddy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
VT Shooter Buck. He was 7pts last year, now 8pts. Likes my food plot around 0600, but that will change once velvet comes off.
Put together a list of 16 properties around where I saw two very large deer the other day. I made my first attempt to gain access on one today and I got it. Super nice guy, 70 acres no one archery hunts it, but a couple come in gun season. Going to scout and hang some cameras this weekend. He even offered his gator to me to use to scout the property.
That’s awesome man!!! I need to get out to my new permission piece and scout/ get a stand or two up for dad
New spots are exciting, I like learning them! It’s fun to meet new people and keep good relationships with the landowner too.
What you experienced in getting to hunt that property doesn't happen often. So awesome. I hope you kill a giant.
Looks like the boss of the woods got a little bigger. I never expected to have target bucks like this on my new place, but I’ll take it. Sorry for the crappy pics This chubby 8 pt would catch an arrow too
Broadheads are grouping with the field points out to 40 yards! Bow is ready to go, now just have to get everything else ready
You’re not kidding, last year I nocked on 63 doors and got 2 yes. I lost both of them this year tho, they sold the props.