Fwiw- I've had potential frontal shots only when hunting solo. Once at 24 yds, but he stood mostly behind trees at 24 yds, he turned behind the trees and walked out of my life. The other at 40 yds before it bedded facing me. I've had more opportunities broadside or angled. If you have 4 going in, pair up. First couple days you can cover more ground looking for sign or live animals. If you get the shot, having the extra hand will be welcomed. If one of you are getting into them, Furthest away calls...your partner then may be able to 'pull' them past you. I'm excited to see/hear the results.
I wish I could say in the woods scouting planning my vengeance on the deer, herd where I hunt, but truthfully, I’ve been Busy with work and was honestly debating on if I was even going to hunt this year. I felt like I had lost any ounce of hunter/killer in me. Then I was watching this doe out in my backyard Turn quartering away, I saw her rib cage and could hear the impact of the arrow in my head And I thought, “yeah I need to Take a life again to make everything right for me. “. So yeah, let’s do this boys, Let’s go for blood let’s kill every deer we legally can this fall! edit: sorry for all the typos and grammatical errors, I’m too lazy to type so I was using talk to text.
Yea that’s the plan. Pairs and then push accordingly to where we are seeing them. I really just wanted to practice the frontal to be comfortable with it if it presents itself. Broadside is already practiced. Almost no service out there so I won’t be able to update til I’m out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got in some practice this evening shooting 25, 40 yards on the ground and 15 yards quartering away off the back deck. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Walked over to my property across the road to hang a couple of cameras and replenish my mineral sites. I hadn’t been over there since season ended in January. This one seems to be popular:
Well, drove three hours today to retrieve my cell cameras from the farm I lost permission on. When the farmer told me, it really didn't bother me that much. But once I got over there, I looked around and it brought on alot of good memories. It really did make me sad to know I won't be going there anymore. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Ah sorry to hear that, it’s tough. I lost some killer props over the years, just have to be thankful for the times you got to hunt it. I know it’s easier said than done. Maybe try and get new permission around that area.
I don’t look forward to that day myself but I know it will happen someday. Perhaps some good will come from all this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I moved a couple cameras today and this weird looking dude showed up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
An absolute perect day!!! I got a lot of saw work done today. Including cutting out the tick bush I've avoided the last two years....OMG IT WAS MASSIVE. A billion individual stems from a 4ft round base that had produced an 8ft high, 6ft round thorny, tangled mess of a top. BARRBERRY BRUSH. The biggest one I've ever encountered. A blessing to get it done.
Might be a while before I see those morning temps here. Gets the Ole killin motor warmed up tho, huh?