Just started to panic when I realized I didn’t have my release…which I then remembered that I don’t need one for the crossbow.
I can already feel the east and southern part of the state getting lighter on deer numbers….. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I got totally settled in 5 minutes ago, a full 45 minutes before first light. No idea what to expect here.
Deer went by to my right in the pitch dark. . Doe and fawn stepped out at 33yds right at shooting time, didnt dare take a shot over 20yds in such low light. Its kill time now out to 35yds. Good luck everyone.
If you saddle hunt dont forget your carabiners if you take them off to wash your saddle and ropes....dont ask me how I know....had to tie myself to the tree last night. Was not the best situation. I was over a mile deep. Did not even see a squirrel.
Same here so far. I can’t help feeling like it’s just a matter of time though. The lying weather channel said the wind was going to be out of the northeast. It’s been out of the southwest all morning. Had the Ozonics running but I shut it off once the sun got up. It’s chilly so I’m betting on thermals to help me out.
@Swamp Stalker @LittleChief @virginiashadow @vermontwhitetail @oldnotdead Good Luck this morning! For those of us stuck at work, provide some entertainment.
Not today my friend I’m packing the truck & headed to Utah in the morning (913 miles) where I will guide an elk hunt….my goal is to be in Green River Wyoming before the NASCAR race at Bristol begins No hunting until the 26th for me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh how that can cause a panic attack & yet a slow heart rate recovery Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So far I’ve seen nothing except a few squirrels. I’m going to sit until 10:00, go in to get something to eat and then I’ll probably get back on stand at noon and sit until 2:30 or 3:00. I don’t expect anything midday given how early in the season it is, but you never know. This evening I plan to sit from 5:30 until dark.
Opening day and @LittleChief is almost pulling an all day sit. This, boys and girls is why he kills so many deer.