I was just gonna ease into the season and only hunt the afternoon tomorrow, but the temps are gonna drop 25 degrees in 12 hrs overnight and be in the low 50s in the morning. Decisions.
That’s a big temp drop. Hunt the am! One of my best spots early season is in the am in-between food to bed. Get em !
I remember something from a couple years ago talking about East winds. Don't remember who's video it was, maybe Midwest whitetail, but they were talking about how it causes bucks to move out of their comfort zone of their normal travel. They claimed that it was a great tactic to hunt on east winds, because of the rarity. I have no idea if this is true. Lol. Just trying to talk you into going mostly! Lol
It's definitely a thing. I use to take off work when it called for a direct east wind. I love a east wind. We rarely get them, but bucks love to move in them. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
First step is to get you to post in LFTS. Won't be long before we are getting updates from you actually in the stand! Haha Hey post up a pic of that doe kill! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Hhmmmm been saving points with hubby not hunting in afternoos...he hates late dinners. Too nice of weather not to tonight . Best get tha eggplant parm fine and a salad made . Easy pop in fir him or me if late
Think it's time to tell hubby he's on his own tonight, mama gonna go kill stuff! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Parm is done, I made homemade sauce and added some ground wild turkey ...called hubby eeeeww boy , someone was having a particular sh ite day. So going to keep holding points. School jobs, bad enough when schools out but construction when insession and staff in house. geezz- Almost makes me wish he'd retire..almost...lol. I'll be out in morning again...
I will definitely be hunting tomorrow morning. 51 degrees, wind will be perfect and the new moon rises right at first light. I’ll probably be hunting from 12:30 to 2:30 pm also for the new moon overhead period.
I sneaked over into my spot, put my Viper on my tree, climbed up and put everything I need in the tree except for my bow. I also took the time to range a few spots just in case something walks through at first light. All I have to do now is wake up, get dressed, walk over and climb up with my bow. It’s finally time to kick off my 2023 season.