Thanks folks. A few days ago I sat in a tree close to a pond that is a great spot. That sit was terrible. Not only did I get winded but my Hazmore Silent Seat started tearing. It’s pretty old and I guess it was time. When the first strand parted I thought it was no big deal. Then after I had been winded three strands broke in quick succession. I spent the rest of the sit standing. That sounds like a contradiction in term, doesn’t it? Anyway, this afternoon I took my second climber and walked in another 80 yards or so. The wind had shifted a bit in my favor and I knew if they did the same thing I would have a chance. Unfortunately for the old girl she did the exact same thing and gave me a 35 yard wide open totally broadside shot. I heard her crash downhill in the cut-over so I took a compass bearing, climbed down and walked straight to her. She’s cut up and in the fridge and I can relax now.
Almost got a shot at a half rack, ended up seeing 4 does as well, be back at it hopefully Friday evening
I got a notification from my cousin a few minutes ago. My 82 year old Aunt, Pauline Little, dropped this guy this evening. 82 years old and still putting them down.
So you're a member of a serial killing family?!?!? Lol. BIG congrats to her!! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Waiting for this rain to stop while sitting in the tree, 3 does snuck up behind me and busted me... Great start to the morning
Congrats to the LC Family, bunch of killlers. Nice shot placement on the doe and as VT said that’s an great buck