Ugh that sucked. Trailed her forever, lots of blood but I think it was mostly just muscle blood… don’t worry TDK I took pictures early on. Didn’t end up finding her
Sorry about that she'll probably make it if it stays cold. Looks like we lost a honey bee hive in that storm. You know- with my view in to 4 other properties, besides mine, I'm not seeing critters on any of them. I just realized another no bird sounds sit. I can hear the snow falling .
Guess I will be ending this year filling more doe tags Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
So close! Had a big herd of deer running around for the last 20 minutes. With about 5 minutes left the whole herd decided to cross the marsh right in front of me. The big doe stopped perfectly at 20 yards. I went to shoot and I flinched and shot low. Shaved a big patch of white hair off her. No blood on arrow, just a huge pile of white hair. Probably 6 or 7 deer together. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I could see forever with a nice layer of snow on the ground. I never saw even a mouse today. Not sure if I've decided to just hang it up for the season
I'm not sure to make of my shot tonight. It was low light, but could see her and my pins fine. My release kind of stuck when I got ready to shoot and I flinched and punched the trigger. Also when I got my arrow the nock was broke off inside of the arrow. Wonder if it broke on the shot and the arrow flew off, or the deer kicked it off when it ran? Who knows. All well off to the next hunt! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
It’s okay! As they say, it’s part of archery hunting, I was on a good two year streak of recovering all my deer too! I’m sure she is dead somewhere with all that blood loss, something will make use of her
Okay, I shot a doe at about 5:00 pm. It was pretty dim and she had me all twisted around. No excuses, but I made a bad shot. I knew that on impact because there was no "pop". It was more of the "fump" of a paunch hit. She bounced out to 45 yards and stood there while I nocked another arrow, but just as I started to draw she walked behind cover and I never got a follow up shot. She walked away slowly and I could tell she was hurting. She walked down the hill to about 90 yards and stood there for a long time. It was too dim at that range to see how she was acting. Eventually she eased over the rise out of sight. I waited a bit and got down to check the arrow. It's covered in dark red and brown according to my wife and my neighbor who I showed the pics to. We're pretty sure it's liver and gut. I'll attach the pics that I took and ask for some input from some of the non-colorblind experts on here, but given the low temps tonight I'm leaning towards waiting until tomorrow morning and taking Elly May down there to track. We don't have much of a coyote population here Here are the pics. Tell me what you think. I really want input.
Appears to be one of those 'Good news and bad news' stories. There will be a dead looks gutty...
Do you see any red in that last pic with the arrow? My wife and my neighbor said that there was quite a bit of blood to the left of the arrow. Not sure the resolution is good enough in those pics since I emailed them to my laptop. Let me try adding that last pic straight from my phone.