There’s no doubt about that!! It’s a shame since they are synonymous with KC BBQ. I wouldn’t put them in the top 10 in the area now. Were you in the area when you posted that picture? The area looked real familiar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great job mod-it! Now that is awesome! Report back today if you get a chance, I want to hear how the pack out went. Also great looking bow! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I guess it's about to be go time. Brain starting the if/then stuff with hunting spots based on time of year, wind, pressure, gut feeling....the mental exhausting every day matrix. LOL
That’s me everytime I go into the woods to hunt then I’ll just stare at a tree or location and then ponder. Hahahahh
Gonna try and be more decisive this year, I say it every year and never am. Hell sometimes I flip my phone, heads I’ll hunt there tails I’ll hunt over there haha.
So I saw zip save a bunch of raccoon on the way in. I'm glad I waited until I could at least see shapes moving or it would have been dang scary! So said last night I may take crossbow out to the blind near farmers beans if it was raining . This morning was just a moderate mist until 9 when I left. To go home I came back up hill to gully ridge 100 yrds from field edge ...snort. I traversed gully to opposite ridge and headed past the bean blind..snort, snort, snort ,and so on with some stomping to boot..LOL, my luck. They stood on neighbors sanctuary hill side watching our place. OK lessened learned, dark in and dark out in that area.
Well didn't think I was hunting today, but here I am! Decided to take a drive to the property I got on this year. Sitting over a 5 acre bean field that is secluded back in the woods. It's absolutely destroyed. If I don't see deer tonight something is wrong with me. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I carry a pair of dice in my truck to make the decision for me sometimes. Sent from my iPhone using Forums