All you need to spray is your boots, they say just boots and socks reduces your chance of getting ticks by like 75% or something. I treat my boots and knock on wood hardly ever have ticks
That’s good if it works for you. I’d hate to see what happens if I walk in through head-high switchback cane here in Arkansas with only my boots treated.
I need the rain to quit so I can get in the woods. Total whiteout of rain here. Supposed to stop around 4 o clock so should be a good evening. Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
I'm up for the evening. Rain supposed to hit at 5, then stop real shortly after. Gonna ride it out and hope for good movement before dark. Sitting a stand I only sit usually 1 time a year. Shot a doe out of it last year and the year before. It's a absolute nasty thick jungle and worst place to drag a deer out. But it's just to good not to sit. Took about a hour to get in. Last year all the deer came down the trail I usually walk in on. So this year took a detour and walked 100 yards down a creek right to the tree. Work pretty slick. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Setup on an old logging road. Right where the deer like to cross. Rain finally quit and looks like we are set for an interesting evening. Feels good to be back in a tree Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Good luck slugger! Opening day after a rain storm, couldn't ask for anything better! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Wow...and Verizon has graced me with 2 bars of 4g. Rumor has it that there's a dandy cruising around these woods. Wouldn't complain. Wind is a bit of a concern...kind of a just off wind if they come in from this field to my east. Oh well. I'm hunting fuzzy whitetails.
So ....still raining but a big temp drop and fog rolling in. If I can catch a break in the morning should be good.
First solo hunt of the year for me tonight. Back in 2018 I was the first whitetail buck killed on this thread… oh how I miss those days lol Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Nothing yet besides a bunch of turkeys flying up to roost Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Storms in the distance and I'm getting a bit of rain. Biggest part is supposed to miss me, but never know. All I've seen so far is squirrels. Probably be last light anyway. It's cooled off a lot, so maybe they'll move early.
Horrible pic. They are probably 50 yards from me Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app