My buddys Gf used to use them, she shot 45lb and they zipped through deer. They also sharpen up real good.
Thats what it looked like to me that they would be easy to sharpen. Ill run them over a fine stone to get them extra sharp when i get home tonight.
Curious as to whether the thief was A. Starving (only forgivable excuse and most unlikely) B. Did it to brag about stealing it C. Did it to live out a lie that they actually killed the deer for an ego or social status boost. D. BnB banged his sister.
Congrats INB, good luck all who are out. I won’t be back in a tree until sometime next week? Life!!! Ha ha ha! I will be following along living vicariously through this thread until then! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
After seeing BnB post a shirtless pic a few years ago from his deer camp.......D, no doubt. Women are helpless to the power of a white hairy male chest....
I had a 3 pt come this morning , smart and dumb at the same time. He was stopping every few feet and looking. Looked up at me but he kept on moving and stopping. Had him at 24 yards. Slowly just walked off. Cool encounter thou. (Not legal here). I wouldn't have shot him if he was legal.
Live From The Back Yard least one member of my household is a killer: The rabbit was trespassing but the dog doesn't have a license. So I guess it's a wash?
Sorry gang wasn't sure about the shot and it was bad like expected. Shot her at 748. She went a ways. Shot way forward and low
I would have taken blood pics but I still use a trac phone so I didn't want to use all my text. Dragging her to where I can get the 4 wheeler to. Yes I have a trac phone don't laugh.
Dude, that's freakin awesome - both the doe and the trac phone. Phones are the down fall of our civilization. Congratulations. I do miss the blood pics a little.