Congrats MS. OND, I hope your life hasn't mirrored your hunts. Lol. I read your posts thinking " what kind of disaster" happened now.
Told you guys about this spot last night. 0 pictures first week. Couple doe groups move in last night. This little area borders an ag field. Once the crops start coming off they get in there. Non stop pictures last 2 days once the beans are off. Had “mega” in here 2 years ago on Nov 7th. Lets hope he comes back. 2 years ago and then last year. Who knows what he will look like this year. I can only pray to the lord above I even see him this year. 52 acres is hard… but he’s been around since 2019. Just a ghost. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Scrolled too fast and seen second pic first, thought holy chit he has found him in October, game on. Kill him!
Actually ........ When your born April first you learn to live and laugh with each round of ...hhhhmmmm....stupid sh it. The tales I could tell closing in on 66 yrs
I'm up! Dang power surged at 230 this morning. I can't be mad though that my wife woke me. She woke me up to ask me what time I was planning on waking up to go hunting. Then she also reset my alarm for me. I'm hoping to be on a stand at 530 this morning. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
I’m up and coffee’s down. Heading out in 20 minutes. It’s time to see some bloody arrows. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Headed into the stand. Rain coming in 0700-0800. Washout this afternoon, so this will be it for me today. Tree umbrella already set up yesterday. Doe or Bear on the menu. See you when the sun comes up. Good luck Saturday killers.
I'm in! Looking for this odd fellow to slip up today. If not a doe will do! Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
I’m awake. A little earlier than planned too. I never did update on yesterday afternoon’s sit. I saw 7, including a huge bodied giant 70 yards from me. He was in thick cover son I never got a good look at him to tell which one he was. He just stood there for the longest time and then walked away. I’ll be back up soon. This is a day where I would normally do an all day sit but my grandson has a soccer game at 10:00 son I have to get down at 8:00 and go to that.
All setup up in a pinch point coming out of a swamp. Once was all setup, I saw a head lamp a couple hundred yards away. 38 degrees, super quiet, 15 minutes till legal shooting light. Good luck!