Well, just can't beat the curse I avoided last season by not entering contest.seriously I go over to let the birds out and feed them. I turn to go get the scratch feed and I hear this faint duck type sound. I look at turkeys and say what was that! Then I hear it again , not the turkeys but in woods and I realize a buck is walking behind my garden stand headed to the more open plot. I sneak past birds and look down past the stand to see a nice racked buck step out from behind my ground blind. He then turns still grunting and walks the trail past the stand I was sitting in last night! Yep the contest curse struck again...lol
Headed out to the stand. Tried out this new deodorant that the wife got for me. I smell like a deer's anus now.
Be careful which neighborhood you visit in the woods today; you may get bucked up and become a conquest.
Made it to the stand without being cornered. Hope the musk on my boots draws them in. Trying my best to cover up my scent. Wind is in the completely wrong direction
I made the 4 1/2 hour drive north to just outside Windsor, MO and I’m all set up. As soon as I sat down I noticed I had some scorecard updates to make. While I was doing that there was a big thud right in front of me. I glanced up to see that a big hawk had scored itself a squirrel. He’s not the only killer in these woods now.
I’m up on the other side of the property. Wind is out of the east. Wife was kind enough to drop me off so I didn’t have to blow my sent all over the woods and standing corn. Farmer is taking down the beans. I’m 80 yards off the edge of the standing corn. Acorns everywhere. Good luck PM shift. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
With all the rain coming tomorrow I decided to go put some walking and biking in. Checked several cameras. Moved a few. Also found about a dozen or so scrapes. That time is right around the corner. Sent from my SM-G990U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I made it to Ohio and got in my hay bale blind 20 minutes ago. Wind is out of the east and blowing straight towards me. Good luck PM shift. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums