2 scrapes on the willows just beyond this doe. Last 2 years in a row non local bucks have started showing up on the scrapes/checking for does from 10/18 through the rut. Bet your butt I’m going to be in there. So glad to see mature does in there tonight (and bedding there). Have never hunted it but have 2 years of history. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We ended up not seeing anything tonight but it was fun overall to be out with my two boys. Learned somethings. I really need to get in there and scout instead of going in blind. You can do all the scouting you want to online but it's always different in the field.
Curious, as this is your second buck taken down based on his bedding habits. First one you had to adjust on the second attempt. Second one was just a 50/50 on who sat where, but still successful none the less. Are you determining bedding with boots on the ground or using maps and cameras? Using wind/weather to determine when he is using said bed etc? 2 good bucks down before middle October is pretty impressive. Lastly, solo hunt would you have sat the same stand tonight or was the double cover the plan all along?
This is my third or fourth year with the property. Based upon camera pictures, location, time, and my experience with mature buck behavior I correlated the above to know that based upon the times they were bedding close those cameras. Based on prior experience with the property and movement I have a good idea where the most ideal bedding is that fits within the time frame. Today this particular buck was bedding in a large wooded island with rolling terrain which was surrounded by ag. The buck had two options come through the woods (security) or go out into the adjacent soybean or CRP fields. Essentially I planned to pinch him as he was bedding on a point on the far end of the woods. Common sense dictates him to use the woods for security. There was a small chance he could have went in between us both but not likely based upon trails. If I was hunting solo I would have sat in the same tree I did. My buddy said he was walking right to me. I told him before hand to kill it if he hand the chance. I would likely have had a shot opportunity but prolly 20 mins later. I looked at the wind but saw no correlation. With his movements.
The Story: I was having a good sit. Weather was beautiful. I had seen the Spike and Doe. Above me and to my left I saw a Buck appear, about 80yds away. He was a wide 8 with short tines. He was raking trees and then went straight down the hill through some really nasty briars. I was still watching for him when something caught my eye about 30yds to my right. Coming straight down the hill was another Buck. He was also walking straight down the hill but was going to be only about 20yds away from me. I ranged the area right in front of me again and then hooked up my release. The Buck walked right in front and parallel to me. I waited for him to walk by . Once he was past me I drew. I settled the pin at the last rib and let the arrow fly. The arrow embedded about 2/3 in him and he bolted through some thick briars. I watched him cross the stream and run up onto the opposite bank. He started to get the wobbles and then disappeared. I was pretty sure that he was down for the count. I waited for 20 min and then got down. I knew there wouldnt be any blood the first 30yds cause the arrow stayed in him. I went to the creek and picked up the blood trail right away. Followed it about 30yds. It was clear that I had hit the liver and lungs because there was both bright red and dark red blood. The trail was easy to follow. When I opened him up I had sliced the liver on entry and the off side lung before the broadhead lodged in a rib. Happy hunter here.
Let’s go, Friday killers!! Been set up and ready for my therapy session Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Finally hitting the woods for first time all year. Man life has been busy, this break is gonna be AWESOME!!!!
Good luck everyone I’m going to be sitting out this weekend having to help out my oldest daughter with some divorce stuff getting kinda nasty so I’m going to stay home and keep a eye on her and the grand baby Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I’m up, first am sit of the year. Late to update had deer around me at first light. Good luck everyone that is out!