En route to MD for a couple evening hunts. Last intel. Weird cause typically on the other side of the farm during these hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Up and packed. Getting the boys to school and then south to Jersey looking for a Doe for points and a decent Buck, but I'm not gonna be to picky. When ya only have 4-5 trips a season for a total of maybe 20 days, beggars cant be choosers. Buck is better than tag soup.
Good luck to all the Thursday thwackers!!!! I'll be heading out for a morning hunt tomorrow, and hopefully a Saturday morning hunt as well.
Safe travels, and good luck! Wind is garbage here but I will be up this afternoon for my first sit of the season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just call me the king of picking the wrong spot. Got this picture from the spot just down the road from where I am hunting now… Right at 7:45 I had two does come in to my left, ended up getting to full draw on the lead doe but she stopped behind a tree, then they turned around and trotted back to where they came from. About 20 minutes later I caught a glimpse of one working the ridge about 100 yards out, nothing since, going to give it another 15-30 minutes then get down and do some scouting/ hang another camera here
After doing this for 40 years. You would think you know what a deer sounds like compared to a squirrel.. They have me twisting and turning. 1 doe so far, to far 70 yards.
Well thought I put phone in leg pocket nope. Didn’t need it, saw nothing. It was dead quite no wind. I had checked the fields around me the other day and yes they cut every corn field near us. So other than spillage zero ag. Food. The bean fields were never planted after tillage. My plots have grown well in last week. Rye,oats and rape. So I hunted upper plot where new scrapes appeared. A lot disappointed in this. Will be back out tonight. Don't know what to think other than the amount of apples still out there have them full. Not even the berry patches are getting hit hard. My chestnuts are just starting to drop and the beech and hop horn have massive seed drops. Got get dinner prepped for a afternoon hunt...dropping to 30's tonight.
Got a plan for this guy. Probably not a good plan, but a plan nonetheless. See ya'll LFTS this Saturday. Prob not until Saturday afternoon, AM supposed to be rainy and 20-30mph winds.