I thought I posted this yesterday but I guess I forgot to hit the button. About 6:00 I had two bucks feed in. The first was a little buck that gave me the most beautiful shots. The one behind him was a really good buck for here, around 125-ish. He fed by on my left at 43 yards but I never had a clear shot. When they were gone I sat back down and looked left to realize that if I’d been sitting down he would have been wide open in a couple of spots.
I haven’t seen anything yet this morning. I’m going to sit for another hour or maybe an hour and a half and then head home. I haven’t killed anything this trip but it’s been a good hunt. I’ve seen more bucks than does - six bucks and 5 does. Two of the bucks I would have shot given the opportunity.
I hope everyone is having a better day than I am so far, I'm not sure who was more surprised by the loud TWANG! sound, Me or the doe I was aiming at. Needless to say, The doe was completely unharmed.
That's no good! Sorry that happened to you. Quick before you have time to think about it, go to the store and buy a brand new bow! No time get there now! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
3 sits left! I was 45 yards from my shooter last night! Moving the stand closer and sitting the evening!! Could this be the night!!! He’s beautiful in person OMG Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Dang that stinks, I had a bow derail shooting at a doe sitting Down the bottom cam caught my pocket flap, what a mess that was. Glad you’re all good tho!
Got done with work early heading in to kill, going to be aggressive and I’m not hunting the edge I’m going to them!
I found my arrow and in process found a brand new scrape at garden gate under hazelnut bush . Then one next to one I made on side of rye rape plot. Checked cam at the blind I've been hunting and zero movement. That makes me feel better about today. I then went out back where I have not hunted . Gave son permission to cut his fire wood there. Checked scrapes and they were walked in but fake rubs not hit. I checked a stand not used in a couple of years and made a scrape a few yards from that. Fixed original cardboard blind window. It was another pull line chew through. Starting to feel good about the bucks coming in.
All set up for the evening. Hoping for a buck but a big old doe may get it also if the shot presents itself. I’m in a new set for this year. First time in this spot so should be good. Noticing a few fresh rubs in eyesight from me. Good luck out there. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
All set up on the hang and hunt!! Damn I’m in a good spot! In a tree in the brush line following the creek bed he’s traveled twice in us and avoided us! He tries that 1 more time and we’re gunna be tracking blood tonight Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
A doe just came in and drank from a damn water hole on the other side of this brush I didn’t see!!! Thays what my shooter was doing over here last night!!! And where he was headed the other night!! I’m over his damn watering hole now! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums