Let’s go!!! Opening day in VA it’s beautiful Out ! Hunting public being aggressive right out of the gate. Not sure how service will be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great morning to be out. Lots of deer moving. Used the wind to scout a little and found some fresh scrapes. Going to sit close with my little buddy tonight and hopefully see them moving early.
Cold front pushing in now. Rain quit. Overcast. Good wind for where Im heading. Will update if I have some service. Good luck everyone! Hope today is the day!
Home after scouting. I found a good looking spot in corner between the edge of a slough and woods. Lots acorns dropping but not a lot of feed sign. I found two scrapes with 50 yards of each other and I think I bumped the buck that made them from his bed in the edge of the slough about 75 yards from the scrapes. I just saw a glimspe of deer leg vanishing into the cane grass. No blowing even though he was down wind, just quietly slipped out when I got to about 30 yards. Scrapes were right by two trails coming out of the head high cane grass in the slough. If I hunt this spot, it is going to be an afternoon sit with a south wind at the end of October or first week of November. Based upon the water lines on the trees, that spot will be under water when the slough is flooded for duck season.
I got a text… this one isn’t mine but the one who text me Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hell yea Tony, congrats! I am all set up. Walked up on a 4 point on my walk in and also bumped some other unknowns. A lot less thicker then I anticipated back here. After I broke through the first 100 yds it cleared up nicely sporadic white oaks behind me… we shall see. 130” plus or nothing for me until late season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s a beautiful day too, therapeutic. Wind, leaves falling, no sweat, light hoodie. I don’t care what happens. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Same thing here. Rained until 2:30 then sun came out. Beautiful!!! Hoping they are moving. Bucks only got me tonight. Good luck all. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I’m gonna end up with diabetes hahah I haven’t eating this much candy since I was a kid, we got snacks for days. I can get used to this new style of hunting.
In the stand, gale-force winds it seems. Sprayed some buck bomb on my way in, I think the wind carried it to the next county. Barely clinging to the tree but here goes nothing.
Found some great sign walking. Been seeing lots of deer while walking in. Found a oak on a creek dropping acorns and deer tracks everywhere! Good luck guys and gals Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk