Cool crisp foggy bad im going to work instead of the woods. Good luck if you made it out this morning!
Had a 4pt walk in front of the truck as I was getting changed by the road. Breezy here and raining acorns.
With the big weather change they ought to be some killin happenin today Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Good luck to all who are out! I’m hoping to finish a project today so I can hunt all weekend through Tuesday.
Well the light rain became a constant downpour.. temps rising until this afternoon and then dropping with rain stopping now… I will go in early as soon as the rain lets up and hunt until I kill or it gets dark.. it would be nice to take a doe today and a Birthday buck tomorrow… Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Late to the thread as always but I’m live this morning! Good luck ladies and gents, or whatever you’re all going by this year! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good luck if you are out today. Kids are on fall break starting this afternoon until Wednesday. I plan n hunting tomorrow and playing dad on Monday and Tuesday. I may try to take them out for a squirrel hunt/scout.
Picked the wrong morning, yesterday at 7:55am, 10yds from the stand. Also upset that I bumped those deer on my way in. Two ways into this stand and I thought I would take the long way around the bedding area....they beat me to it.
52 degrees and calm here in Southwestern Indiana. Humidity lifted on outta here at day break. Nothing so far but I’m in some pretty dense cover on the outside edge of a thicket.
I'm set and it's a pretty sunrise. Got in a little late as I got 5 mins out of town and realized I hadn't bought a damn tag. . It's always something. Ran back in to the gas station and got my tags bought, then got up. Worked out, I got breakfast and the rain stopped by the time I pulled into the field edge. Walked right at legal light but it was still pretty dark. 39 degrees, almost a 50 degree drop in 3 days. Wind was wrong for the stand I wanted to be in, so I'm up in the tower. Ready to kill. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Good luck guys. It's raining and very breezy. On the hill it is a what I call toilet bowl winds. Swirling. Want to hunt smarter here instead of hard as in past. Sitting this out for the real temp drops tomorrow..