For some reason I couldn't post yesterday afternoon. One of my former students shot a buck yesterday morning. It was tough tracking the first 150-200 yards. It appeared to be 1 lung and liver. My guess is, once he slowed to a walk, the blood got much closer together. The last 250 yards blood was every couple of feet. He is newish to hunting and said he hit where he was aiming. We looked at the lungs and liver and critiqued his shot. He needs to aim closer to the back of the leg....5 inches ahead. But, we found it and learned an important lesson. I love tracking .
I can't hit snooze, I already wake up at the latest time possible I randomly wake up through the night, always love it when I have 2-3 hours before alarm goes off. Hate it when it is inside of an hour, if I do have enough time to fall back asleep I wake up in a bad mood when the alarm goes off.
Well no success tonight. I heard one walking around and my son saw him for a second but he never came out of the thicket. It was a wonderful night though and nice to finally be out. Cold front hits later this week and I’ll try again. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm up , I'm dressed, I'm having coffee, then head the lake. Live from the kayak today. Hot, zero winds and weekday. I need a mental health day with no work at the end other than reloading the kayak on top of the car. You guys have great, safe and successful hunts.
Had 3 turkey come by last night. No deer. Had a wierd sound like something landed on me. Look up to be eye to eye to this praying mantis. Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Midwest is getting a quick cool down. 50 degree drop over 5 days to a low of 40 on Sat night. Sunday morning may be a day where one pushes the limit on a good spot. Goes for broke.
Nothing to report about. It's been pretty lonely here. Love it when the woods awake, light enough to see all around. Chippies and the squirrels chatter. Woodpecker pecking away. Blue jays chirping away in the distant. Then you get blasted by a beechnut on your shoulder. That stung a little Beautiful morning.
Heck yea that is awesome. Hope to do some recruiting myself in the next few years. I hope to be like my uncle is one day. He doesnt hunt himself he just takes kids and beginners. Just a mentor now.
Suns cresting hills...2 days and weather drops like a rock with some rain. Couple of nights will go to 30's ,we'll see. I'll be out big time then.