I've been Back out for a while. I was kinda warm when I first got here. 330. Last 1/2 or so left Blue jay chirping again. Edge of bean field. Here we go
Think when I get back to work Monday I'll put in for Nov. 3rd - 12th. Debated taking Oct. 27th - Nov 12th but doubt that will fly, especially having Nov 16th - 19th off for shotgun season. Sometimes being a boss sucks, as an hourly employee I wouldn't blink at the thought.
The weather is supposed to really cool down next week so I'm hoping they'll move a little more and stray onto my place. There's a huge crop of white oak acorns this year on land I can't hunt and they are sticking tight to those white oak trees right now. In the meantime I'm just watching squirrels and living vicariously through y'alls hunts and pictures.
Ever drive your broadhead and insert out of the shaft while checking broadhead flight? It was a HIT insert.
Didn't see a thing tonight. Sign looked great, but nothing moving. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
No luck, saw like 6 doe and fawn mix, nothing with horns. Between the last time I was here, they cleared the tall grass field and have it marked for houses. So I may have to go further back. More to come .