Just got home, heading out to that new prop I got permission to hunt this evening. Gonna scout my way in again in another direction. Might go hunt down by the creek.
Got home from work, 5 pages since this morning. First thought, LC finally drew blood. Guess that will be the new bump n dump tactic. Congrats!
I’m up! Got white oak raining down on me, Hickory nuts to the left behind me. Old tram road that leads to a thicket and down to creek, corn in front of me at 23 yds to edge. In between the corn is green field for hay, looks like clover, Timothy and maybe alfalfa. Gonna be a good observation stand but plan on killing something. Gonna work the binos out tonight!
Been settled for a while. Hard time posting here with limited cell service. Red oaks are really dropping and it's warm with virtually no wind. Sucks but deer gotta eat and move sometime.