I'm tied in. Early sit cause I have day light walkers at 130, 330, 530 here at the brook spot. It's not every day but if your not here then you cant shoot them. Its 80, going to 85. Good day for a mid day drink from the brook 20yds behind me. Oak tree 35yds behind me is also dropping nuts. Steady light breeze blowing in the correct direction. I'll be getting down at 6. Here's hoping. Good luck Sunday hunters.
Holt is kind of my swamp hunting mentor. I was gonna chill today bc of the heat but I remembered one of our lessons he taught me recently. This is an actual clip of the swamp training.
Well nibblers on grill, coleslaw made, beans, New potatoes, summer squash cooking. Hubby agreed to early dinner so I can get out earlier. I even got 7 quarters of spicy pickle green beans canned up. The neighbour behind me, across the street, is out in the woods doing M80's. OK I'll hunt where they were on cam. Well in on our place. Should be in a stand by 3:30. Hopefully far enough away from were they come in to be out of their wind....hmmm I feel a breeze as I say that...best check direction for umpteenth time....I know from cam they have entered from behind me in the evenings Good luck guys
All set up and ready to kill same entry as yesterday nice and quiet, nothing on the plot on camera this morning so hopefully they hit it this evening!!! This arrow is ready to fly again
4hrs in and not a deer sighted yet. Hopefully that changes in the next 2hrs. Crossbow in hungry for horns!
Tank of a bear Tony. I dragged out 2 last year like him. As they saying goes" the fun ends when you pull the trigger " Good luck all.
F me!..sanctuary neighbor just drove property line with screamer. I'm going to have to stop posting until I shoot something....they are no doe ppl.that know I doe hunt. I'd have less issues in the suburbs I swear. Well let these guys do their best, can't really call that much of a santuary anymore...lol Let's hope I'm correct and they come in from down below me. I figure they'll make at least one more pass before 6. Other neighbors must have run out of M 80's. Bugs me sure, but I've learned karma is real and sometimes does a better job than me. Ahhh come on! No storms due till after midnight...just heard a loud kaboom! Sky has gone dark. I put the skinning ladder up before I left....I STILL HAVE HOPE
Gee that was fun , now 3 waves came through. Me thinking how many enclosed blinds do you have 8? ..nice and one fine sense humor...LOL
Took me 2hrs to get set up. Couldn't get past the last 10 yd cut of water without walking on private property so I made a move onto a 60 yd wide strip with water on both side leading to food. As I was pulling up my bow a doe came in, looked at me, then walked off. Lol.
I really could have benefitted from a sticks/stand or saddle out here today. I have a stand and sticks just never even practiced with them. Lol