Yeah it definitely is. I'm very careful where I step. Luckily haven't seen any gators yet, but when I do I'll be getting ahold of a nuisance gator tag.
Got the ceiling of the basement dry walled and dad and i are headed to the woods, should be on stand by 4 at the latest, we are both set up just inside the woods from the corn field so we should be able to sneak in fairly quiet! The does were there this morning so hopefully they are around this evening and really hoping one of the big boys is
Here goes nothing. Had deer on the camera in the beans at 11 today. They were coming out into the beans. Maybe they went out to bed in them. Usually don't see them do that. Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Same spot as yesterday afternoon. No Bucks came by yesterday, so maybe today. I'm hunting this stand in afternoons till I shoot a Buck or have to go home. In late, been cutting and grinding. It's all done except for mixing the ground meat to make breakfast sausage and bacon cheddar burgers. My mission tonight after hunting.
All set up in MD! Got a good sweat on while walking in, got in pretty quiet I think, wind is perfect right now and was perfect walking in, had does in this plot this morning. Haven’t made a decision if a doe will get an arrow tonight, there’s been big boys in the area, but I have a baby due the beginning of November so it will be a game time decision! Goodluck out there guys!!! Shoot straight
Hit the pistol range with some buddies this afternoon. After they left, I went to the 3D range to practice some longer shots than I can take at home. Shooting at 45 and 55 yards. Good luck PM shift, spill some blood!
Why am I nervous right now? I’ve already been out in ND but for whatever reason I’m nervous on MN opener. Just getting dressed and will be headed out around 4-430. Takes me 15-20 minutes to get into the stand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fawn just made a spike jump up out of the beans. Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Good luck boys!! Sitting on a huge white oak on a point. Deer highways in every direction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another doe in the beans. 3 deer so far within 90 yards. Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Two little bucks worked off into the bedding area, first sighting from the stand this year, forgot how hard the heart starts beating when you catch a glimpse of one