I shot a coyote today! Wasn’t in a stand. He got caught in one of my traps. Didn’t use a bow either. Booped him in the noggin with a suppressed 22 and he caught a fatal case of lead poisoning…. I realize it is not live, not from the stand, and not even archery related plus my deer hunting season ended on the second…. but my hunting area is in a cellular dead zone and I kind of wanted to leave my mark before this gets relegated to the archives…
I think it’s the crazy warm weather. The temps have been in the 60’s the past two afternoons. That should improve tomorrow. I think I’ll at least have a chance before this trip is over.
All set up waiting on daylight. Again. If I don’t see anything this morning I’m going to relocate to a new area.
Yeah, I did kind of drop off the map, didn’t I? Sorry about that. I got down at 10:30 after seeing nothing. I packed up and moved my stand to the west side of the old railroad track bed where I’d seen a lot of deer traffic earlier in the season. I went back to camp, ate lunch, took a little nap and now I’m back on stand. It’s supposed to rain for a couple hours starting soon. I brought my rain coat and my tree umbrella. Or so I thought. I got set up and went to put the umbrella bracket on the tree only to find it wasn’t in my pack. It’s in my truck. I guess if I get any downpours I can just hold it. Oh, and when I was riding my bike out this morning I rode too close to a tree lying by the road. A sharp limb about 1 1/2” in diameter jousted with me and scored a hit on my left boot. If I’d been going any faster it would have snatched me off the bike. As it is I won’t be crossing any deep water this trip.
Single deer feeding this way 75 yards out. Don’t think he’ll make it here before dark. 19 minutes left.
I’m down. Three more topped the rise and they were slowly working my way. I decided to sneak down and out before I got pinned in my tree and had to spook them. I waited until I got out of sight to post.
I’m back in my stand. Still have 50 minutes to wait for first light. I know this was a good morning spot. Here’s hoping it still is.
Had a single deer cruise by about 90 yards away at around 6:50. Couldn’t make out antlers. Nothing else yet.
It’s 9:00 now and no more deer have shown up. I’m going to sit until 10:00 or 10:30 simply for lack of anything better to do but that 15 mph north wind really sucks.
It was fun, but not as many birds as we hoped for on the goose hunt yesterday. Thousands flew over us, but only 8 came in. For some reason the birds just didn’t want to be in our field. I am thinking the lack of crop was hurting us. I wish the outfitter would have put us in a field with more feed.
I’m down and back at the truck. I got down earlier and moved my stand about 80 yards north. Good looking spot with droppings all around. I bumped two does when I got there. Oh well.