January 31. Then there is a primitive season form February 1-3. I can use my longbow. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
No more deer seen. I really messed up on those does. I knew they would come from there and I got distracted by watching the raccoons. Should have known better and they would show up at the same time. All well, try again tomorrow. Also it must be a raccoon rut, I was in the middle of a full blow orgy! Haha Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Haha, they was screaming and fighting all around me, kind of crazy! What the heck is that avatar!? Lol Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Hahaha I was fooling around changing my avatar and saw this goofy pic of me and thought it would be a good avatar, lasted 2 mins lol. Of course you spotted that. I cut in a mustache in Iowa for “good luck” that was taken when I came home. Wife wasn’t pumped lol.
You definitely look like you need to be on a watch list! Haha I shave like that once and awhile, then walk around the house and see how long it takes for someone to notice. Usually the kids pick up on it and laugh for a bit, then I go shave it off. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I’m back up in the same tree this morning despite the fact that I didn’t see anything yesterday afternoon. Maybe they will move here in the mornings.
Good luck Chief! Looks thick in there. You're going to have to thread the needle if you get an opportunity.
Had a single doe run out of the thicket 60 yards away 20 minutes ago. She hit my trail and ran back into the thicket. Not sure what that was about. Coyote or young buck probably.
I will heading in about a hour. Plan to scout the other half of the property I was on last night, then set up on that same bedding area. This time I know how the deer use it and hopefully I can move in another 40 or 50 yards closer. Found a great ditch to sneak up into. Unless I find something better while I'm scouting. Good luck LC and Suncrest! Also anyone else that makes it out. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Scouted right through the middle of this mess to find some beds. Found two good lone beds. No wonder I didn't see many bucks in this area. I was like 80 yds outside of where they were moving before dark.
Jumped 3 deer right under the tree I was in last night. Hopefully they were different deer. The bedding is another 75 yards or so from were they were. Chance they come back and have more deer in here. I can see all the way to the water, so any deer that stands up I will see them first and will be ready. Let's do it fellas! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I’m kind of tired of riding the bike on that muddy road so for the last two sits of this trip I moved over to an old stand-by spot that’s been good to me: The “car body”. There are two major spots where the does come out of the thicket: One on the west side and one on the north side. The wind is out of the SW so I’m trying some “scarecrow” strategy. I parked my bike 70 yards in front of the west thicket exit and I’m sitting at the north exit. It may not work but it’ll be pretty funny if it does work. The bike is 140 yards away so I may hear a doe blowing. If that happens there’s a good chance she’ll come right by me. Of course, I haven’t been in here for a year so I don’t even know if they’re moving here.