Even with a miss, it was a absolute blast! Almost a perfect hunt. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I was implying you should try a different WMA when it floods there. You have six tags state-wide. You can’t fill them all there.
I was looking at them for a snow goose hunt I have in a couple of weeks. https://www.mackspw.com/Frogg-Toggs-Classic-Rubber-Hip-Boot?quantity=1&color=1157
I didn't take pics of any of my tenderloins after preparing them, sadly. Smoked/grilled some with different marinades and rubs and baked a few. Favorite is still smoked/grilled low and slow with good Ole GSP. Garlic, salt, pepper for you lesser cooks. Simpletons...lol. I kid. All gone now. They don't last long around me.
I’m all set up for a five hour sit in a brand new spot. I rode the bike 1 1/4 miles on that muddy, flooded road and then walked in about 500 yards east. I’m fairly close to I-40 so there’s a lot of road noise. I’ll have to keep my eyes open. We stumbled onto this spot when we were tracking the doe I shot last trip.
Sitting in a meeting that is a review board for a technical solution to a corporate need. Just shoot me. I'm just here to tell you all that I'm thinking about the deer and the good Ole days of sitting 20 feet high with my bow, calculating a solution for meat in the freezer. Good luck to you lucky so and so's still out there hunting those tasty deer.
Took the day off from hunting. In the 30's and pouring rain. Just don't have it in me to go hunt in this. I will be back at it tomorrow afternoon. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I’m down and back at the camper. About 5:15 I had a group of 8 does coming in. I was sure they would walk in front of me but the lead doe cut into the edge of the cedar thicket and went behind me. I had an opening at 30 yards. I drew as she was getting close and just before I had a clear shot she hit my scent stream and locked up. I leaned right a little and had a shot so I took it. These Wattensaw does are a different breed. As soon as my bow launched the arrow she did a combination of jump back and spin left. My arrow whizzed by within a half inch of her. That’s hunting I guess. I sure am striking out during the late season though.