A.J. and I moved some deer today.good training for him off collar. He did well stopping and staying alert pointing but not bolting. Good Boy!!. We crossed many tracks big and small multiple singles. Some fox and a fisher that was trying to get into a blind. Windows held. About killedmyself shoveling took 2 days, first time this year. Only 3 inches hhmmm. Wet snow and roof shoveling killed my shoulders and arms So what's it doing? Snowing again!
Thanks for Congrats guys. This was my last chance in Ohio before contest finished. Can’t believe she came by at 25 yards walking. I had to grunt at her to get her stopped but it all worked out.
Got in 4 hours of scouting today. Decided is was worth losing a hunting day to try and get some Intel on the deer. Found lots of trails and fresh tracks, but didn't jump a single deer. Also found more fresh scrapes and rubs that weren't there last week. Found a hidden corner of a field that was completely covered with deer poop, maybe 50 plus piles. Even night beds all around the edge in the tall grass. I moved back into the woods and down a creek. Found 2 trails completely pounded down. They are about 50 yards apart. Now tricky part is do I sit just 1 trail and hope they use it? Or try and sit between them? Not sure what I'm going to do yet. Most likely will be back in there tomorrow evening for a hunt. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
The amount of snow is insane. In the drifted spots I was sinking damn near to my waist. Not sure how or why but the creek was froze solid way before we got a lot of snow and now there is slush and water under the snow. Went through with one leg. Boot filled with muck/water. Thankfully we were just getting done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Snow was acting like insulation and the frost/freeze depth line was rising creating the snow to melt from bottom to top as well as top to bottom from normal diurnal heating.
I'm heading in! Hitting the best spot I found yesterday. All conditions are great and rain is letting up. Been raining for 24 hours, so hoping for some early movement. Will update once in stand. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I'm up! Got in clean. Walked in a deep banked creek all the way to the tree. Got one great trail to my north at 17 yards and another to my south at 21 yards. To my west is bedding and just 25 yards away are 2 fresh scrapes. Wind is blowing from bedding to me, so hopefully deer get up and move before dark. I'm about 100 yards in woods from field edge that all the feed sign is in. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk