Well I got this antlerless tag left... so here I am. Likely spot.... see if a slick head shows.... It's late antlerless firearm season so dressed like a pumpkin. No boom stick, but I did cheat and bring a wheel bow tonight for a Lil extended range lol Sent from my SM-S326DL using Tapatalk
Well not how I hoped my week would end but I launched an arrow. Took a young Buck for the freezer. He fell 30yds from the stand. Put some more meat in the freezer. Was hoping for a bigger one but meat is meat and I've eaten alot of tag soup. Had 12 Doe and him surrounding me the last 15min. Figured I'd shoot him and save a bred Doe, which here means 2-3 new fawns saved for next Spring.
Didn't go out this evening, Steelers playoff chances went down to the wire, would have only got like 45 minutes onnstand at best and just not worth the drive. May pick up a turkey tag this week, there's a ton of turkey out there. Hoping I can connect Friday evening, NW wimds forecast so should be decent for same stand although another NE would be perfect. If I shoot one too late Saturday it would have to wait until Monday morning to go to the processor. Need to call them tomorrow to see when they stop taking whole deer. I know trim can be taken in until sometime in February but not sure if they take deer after season closes.