I'm heading in with my stand and lunch. Going to scout til I find a buck. Problem is another hunter here. Not a huge place and I don't want to walk in on someone while scouting. From sign in looks like he's been here since 6. So hopefully he comes out for lunch. First plan of attack, walk around fields edges and look for big tracks. Just to see if anything is showing up here. Will keep you guys updated thru day on my findings. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Not finding much. Some tracks in field, but nothing looked great. Ran into other hunter when he was coming out. He's getting lunch, then heading back in. He said he had 2 deer come by him this morning. Walked a walking path and picked up 2 deer tracks. Been following them thru a thicket for about 100 yards so far, haven't jumped them. Running out of real estate fast. There is a marsh at end of property that I know had deer. So if I don't find anything, I will setup there for evening. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Its only going to work if you let your hair down to your waist and walk in shirtless. The deer will die from heart attacks.
I'm up in a tree. Only about 12 foot up in a nasty crooked tree. But it were I need to be. Never did find anything that screams big buck. I found a deep drainage ditch, so got into it. Walked it out and found a decent trail with fresh tracks. Walked another 40 yards and found a way better one. 2 big thickets connected with this trail. Have good sized tracks going both directions. I'm setup to shoot both trails. I got in between these thickets without spooking any deer. This deep ditch my have saved me. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Trying a new place that I saw three Bucks come out of earlier this week. It's on thedge of sn overgrown main power line strip and a swamp. Let's see what shows up.
This is probably my last sit. I’m 12 days in and between warm weather and unusual wind direction this time of year. This is the hardest it’s been during late season here. Good luck tonight you guys!
Nothing so far. About 1 hour left. Heard 2 shots across the street on private. About a 1/2 mile away. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Ended up seeing two Does, to far away, not sure I would have shot them either. Back to where I saw the three skipper Bucks in the AM.
Situation at work today kept me from getting back in stand since 11/14/22 but have another chamce tomorrow. Got approved to leave between 12:30 and 1, so should be able to get an acclimated evening sit in. Putting everything to the test though. Can't go home and shower, probably change clothes to some bagged up "scent control" stuff, otherwise going to climb up in work clothes. Only thing going in that regard is he hunts his land and works where I do so maybe some favorable scent recognition A day and a weekend left for me here. Procrastination at its best......