I’m set up for the morning sit. I sat yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours but saw nothing. The does we’re on camera at around 4:00 am this morning so I probably won’t see anything this morning. I did manage to get turned around on my own property this morning. My headlamp needed a new battery and was pretty dim, but I figured it was fine for my short walk in on my own reflector-marked trail. It was pretty foggy when I walked out but no problem, right? With the cloud cover it was pitch black out and when I started downhill the fog became so thick my dim light didn’t illuminate the tacks until I was right on them. About 30 yards from my stand I had to start up OnX and get my bearing. I was beginning to think I was going to have to lean up against a tree and wait until it lightened up a bit. That would have been better than stomping around. It’s amazing how easy it is to get confused and turned around in the dark.
I'm out for what is probably my last sit this year. The rain just stopped its 39° and foggy. I can hear 2 owls hooting in the distance. Ain't it grand! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Congrats on the doe. I decided I just can't go after a doe up here. Too tired to go to camp. The two buck should see us through. 53 and rain due at 11 a.m. Well Guys it's been a long , challenging but fun season. My work for this coming year has started, weather permitting most of it will be done by June . Save any late summer plantings. It's been fun reading of all your adventures and seeing all your successes. May 2023 be a great year for all of you.
I got 4 deer on the opposite side of the swamp at 90yds. Let's see if they work their way towards me Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Well, three of them worked their way to within 20yds. Momma took a squat to pee and turned her head the opposite way. I thought it was a good time to raise the bow but she spotted me. They all three left the building Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Heading out in a few sitting on field edge. There is barely any wind and have a light fog. Taking the folding chair and looking for a wide tree. I’ll post once I get set up. Good luck to those who are out.
Wind is supposed to be straight south wind but I'm getting WSW. Going to give it some time to see if it settles down or might have to move.
I'm itching to get out. Fighting a small head cold that's about over. Might get up early tomorrow for morning hunt, if I can get my butt out of bed. The fight continues, about a month of season left and going to fight to the end! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I'll be in the stand soon. Foggy and 52 with a light drizzle that is supposed to stop in an hour. Any mature doe or even a small buck that finds itself in bow range is toast today. I need the meat. The 7 point I'd shoot is still alive and that is really what I'm after. I kind of know his travel routes, but idk if he'll show. Last weekend he was dogging a doe above the driveway as I was putting my bags in the truck. Second rut I guess.
I ended up moving I don't like this spot as much. I'm right on the power line. Wind is better for me. Can only move so much on 20 acres.
Time to start scouting for next season and start shed hunting, bunny and coyote hunting too .. ... congrats to all that killed and better luck next season for those that didnt .