I'm in. Terrible sounding walk in. 7 degrees no wind. Stand seat is partially froze. I have a summit viper seat in my ladder stand. Lots of tracks though
Pretty sure I have a deer bedded close. Snuck in just before light.could hear it crunch. just barely on the neighbors lot.
3 does fed out in my back field browsing. Flung an arrow, but didn't hear that sounds of contact...saw her standing there a while after a few bounds...also noticed I lost the fiber on my sight. Gonna give it a bit
Unfortunately both were clean misses. I may need to check the sight...I suspect I may have banged it on a fall. Arrows recovered both seemed left... Back up...looking for a stump to launch that judo pointed arrow at...
Operator error - high an slightly left. My judo hit a few inches left at a known distance. Of course the squirrels come back out with that judo point arrow now 37 yds from me...
Nothing for me this morning but some jays. To cold to post from the stand. I’m heading back there this afternoon. Lots of tracks in the snow and one big set. I left my seat and shooting rail down to try to minimize any extra noise. It was brutal this morning a frozen layer on top of the snow.
Pa late season just opened up today, gonna get stuff done around the house then I’ll be out every evening I can to punch that buck tag. Gonna move some cams around back over food sources and try to get a couple lined up.
Gonna give it a few more minutes and call it a morning...good to see deer this morning. Grateful for the opportunity. Disappointed I missed...twice. My eldest son wants to go trout fishing this afternoon...
I'm up for evening. But doing something I rarely do, I'm out with a gun. Just me and a buddy out today on this property. He's about 1/2 mile away. I walked into a area that know there are deer bedded in. Found a nice trail and a fresh scrapes right on it. Setup there. Found a knarly oak to climb. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
In my honey hole for maybe that last time this year. I sat here this morning saw nothing but some good tracks. Good luck Holt, suncrest and who ever else is out
Well I’ve waited 2 years to make this post. I’m sitting on a standing bean plot in Iowa with my muzzleloader. Cold but windy so I should see a few. Good luck to everyone hunting tonight.