I'm loaded down with family dinners and breakfast plans for the next 3 days. Plus hosting 3 different get-togethers just at my house. Christmas is such a circus every year for my family. Both the wife and I family's are broke family's that remarried. Then some of them have broken again and adds a hole new level to it. It's fast paced time of year, but my kids love it! So for hunting for me I'm taking Monday off to reset and hunt. Sounds like I got a good friend doing same thing, so might get to hunt with him for the first time this year. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
You got to start this adventure somewhere. Finding his travel directions will be huge. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
-3 realfeel...guess I'll go sit in the woods for a few hours. It'll be a rifle kind of day, trying to find the leeward side of a piney ridge, hoping the deer are up getting a bite.
It was cold! Had ice on me and my chest rig. Only squirrels this morning. Came home and the power was out since 8am. Mama, my inlaws and couple kids at the house were not happy. Power came back on around 12:30. House was down to 55. About 2, my daughter informs me the shower wasn't draining. It's not Christmas without a plumbing emergency. Seems like a benign hair/soap buildup then froze up. At least the Panthers are winning.
13 degrees, w wind gusting to over 30. They were here last night Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
I’m set up for an afternoon sit on my property. It’s still pretty cold but it’s warm compared to the last two days. I’ve never gotten to follow a blood trail in snow. Any deer will do this afternoon and tomorrow.
been there, done that and dont do it much anymore, was and is fun if one is prepared, easier if your going to a stand already up, tougher if packing in stand/sticks like I do ... if I was still chasin a buck I'd prolly still be at it .. but the meat I dont really need just to kill a Doe ..
I’m down and back at the house. I didn’t see anything but squirrels. I’ll try again in the morning. It’s going to be a lot colder and it’ll test the limits of what I have to wear, but I’m going.
2 shots fired. My limb hit something on my first shot and I hit the first doe back. As I knocked another arrow to try and hit her again she hobbled into the brush. Turned around and had another big doe 25 yds broadside right in front of me. Shot felt good and she mule kicked. Ran about 30 yds and just stood there. Found both arrows, first was definitely back but didn't smell bad. 2nd looks like brisket and no blood. Going to give both plenty of time and take the dog out. I'll keep you posted. The 1st is going to die for sure it's just a matter of finding her. The 2nd I'm currently thinking is going to live Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Found the first one, 116 field dressed. Almost no blood on the 2nd one, I just rushed it. She was even bigger, positive it was a low hit Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
I’m set up for the morning sit. I don’t have any family visiting and my wife is going to sleep in so I’m going to see if I can have a deer hanging for Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!!