Look who showed back up once I killed that buck last night. Haven’t got pics of em for a couple weeks. Glad he made it so far.
I know that pain. Shoot one, watched him jump in the air like they do when shot with a gun. Watched him run 50 yards and go down kicking in the snow. Just to watch him jump back up and go over the backside of the ridge. Not a speck of blood in the snow there or another 200 yards. Walked his tracks back and found a pin head drop in the snow. Was scratching my head until I saw the big old hole in the tree!
Went for a walk yesterday and pulled some cards. I was very curious to see whats left because between all the neighbors, 5 of the 6 giant bucks that we all knew about were dropped this year. There is one big one that we know of that is MIA. This big 7pt and his smaller 7pt buddy have seemed to moved in as of now. Not sure if they will stick around but i hope they do. I couldt help myself. Seagrams and 7 is what i call them. Naming them is so stupid but fun. First 2 pics are the bigger one “Seagrams”. the smaller one “7” has been with him so far in all the pics we have of them. There is actually another 7pt and a nice 2.5 y.o. 8 that made it. Hopefully some bigger bucks move in
Good luck to anyone still truckin. I finally got everything i need to build my arrows. Except a saw. Ordering one today. I cant seem to get to my local archery shop lately by the time they close. Ill just do it myself i guess. Im itching to get back out.
Damn, Bro! Congratulations and yet another one!! Hell of a year you are having! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Mount this to a piece of plywood and glue down a measuring tape. That is what I did. Just have to buy the blade that is rated to cut carbon. https://www.harborfreight.com/power-tools/power-saws/2-in-mini-bench-top-cut-off-saw-62136.html Correction, the one in the link above was out of stock when I made mine. Go with the top one if you can find it. I bought this one and bolted it down with U-clamps. https://www.harborfreight.com/power...n-high-speed-electric-cut-off-tool-63023.html https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/mini-chop-saw-for-cutting-arrows.99418/
I came home from Arkansas yesterday with empty coolers. That’s a tough place to hunt. I slept in this morning and now I’m set up on my place for the afternoon.
I’m down and back at the house. I saw exactly what I expected to see: Nothing but squirrels. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Anyone who knows me knows I don’t have any “quit” in me when it comes to hunting. Actually though, I only have 7 in the freezer because I gave 3 away. Well, technically I guess those three are in the freezer also, but not mine.
Man it's gonna get cold here soon. I'm going to really go for it from Thurs to Sat this week as the temps will be crazy cold. I hope they make the deer move for us in MO.
I hope so too, but you can have Thursday. Last I looked we were facing -2 with 20-30 mph winds. I’ll be sitting by the wood stove that day.
I hear you. I'm looking for Wed or Thurs when the temps drop from 30 daytime to 0 overnight. Whatever day that is, I bet they move hard in the afternoon.
I agree, but I simply don’t have the gear for temps that low. It’s now calling for rain changing to snow here Thursday with temps dropping to 15 during the afternoon along with 30 mph winds. Then it’s going to be -3 Friday morning with a high of 12 with 15-25 mph northerly winds. The northerners on here might have the gear for that but I don’t. Now if I were still trying to avoid wearing pink panties I’d probably tough it out, but there’s no need for me to suffer at this point.
I was going to head back to Ohio on Thursday afternoon until I saw the weather report. I don't mind hunting cold weather, but I can't do it with high winds. It's just not fun. The biggest buck I've killed in my life (164") was on a snowy 14-degree morning the day after Christmas. Find their food sources and you'll find them feeding.