It’s been rough on the pieces of public I been hunting in Ohio. Been having a lot of gas line work and unexpected foot traffic. I’m pumped to get my tag punched. Still looking to get on a late season Pa buck with the bow. Had em on cam back in November.
That's always a bonus to be able to kill one you got on camera. Congrats again! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
This Levee is deep on the public. Looks like the trees were planted on purpose. Thinking early season next year....anyone know what types of trees are in this pic?
Not sure what they are, but looks like the deer keep them browsed up. Might be a over looked food source. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
From my buddy: “Ugh hard to tell. They're planted ? Buds or leaves in the spring would be best. It's hard to I'd young trees by bark” I got nothing! Sorry VS