This article..geez wish I could remember source...could have also been...OK got called away and then went on a paper pile search...found it NY OUTDOOR NEWS NOV 4 2022 " DEC TO HUNTERS/TRAPPERS: KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR WOLVES THE article genetic testing on a large canine taken by a hunter in OTSEGO COUNTY in 2021 was a WOLF. DEC Confirms just a few WOLVES AND WOLF HYBRIDS have been taken in the last 20 yrs. The DEC is asking anyone taking a canine over 4.5 ft tip of tail to nose and over 50 #'s to contact NYSDEC ( 1-844-332-3267) Hope this is legal
I was leaving scouting today and saw this...real high class drive through beer and cig place. BnB you ever shop there?
Well I got a picture of the buck I wounded a couple weeks ago. He woulda been my first buck with a bow. Worse shot than I thought but he looks healthy and no limping.
Team thread says the buck is hanging and has good pics. But I don't see any pics here or on his team thread. Dave= Mike!!!!!!
The 10 day forecast looked cold/windy. Decided today it was go time. Wanted/needed my buck tag gone. 9 yard shot, 60-70 yards recovery.