Found what we are looking for. Right in the farmers back yard. Set up a blind and a camera. Will see what happens. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I messed up this afternoon on a nice doe.....I got hung up in my safety harness as I was turning in my stand to make the shot behind me and she caught the movement of me trying to untangle myself - Complete bush league move. 12 yard chip shot......Oh well I will try again tomorrow
Anyone wanna rifle hunt in MD 12/2 or 3 ? Look to kill a pile of does. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lots of movementin dark nd one buck fawn 10 yrds behind me. A barking red squirrel and chickadee on my barrel..
Oh I am very tempted…. Gotta see if the wife would be okay with it, would have to be Saturday morning only for me
Did a grunt then saw a buck get up stretch and go over the hill. Winds switched so I got down and went to opposite side of hill and a bit lower. Giving it till noon. Walk warmed my feet a bit. Man it's quiet r
Nah. I saw the post but I have a few deer in the freezer already and my Missouri gun tag as well as my Kentucky tags still in my pocket. Kentucky has a 10 day muzzleloader season coming up on the 10th and Missouri has a Christmas muzzleloader season. Then there’s the fact that I just started bow hunting in Arkansas. I think this year it will actually be freezer capacity that determines when my season is over, not season dates, so I see no need to make a long trip to hunt. The post did get my attention though.
LC looking at the rising cost of meat and the size of his house as he contemplates buying another freezer when fishing season starts in a few months.
Alright heading in for a afternoon sit. Going in blind on a property that I have never hunted a day in my life. Let's see what I find! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk