Congrats on the doe shocker. Well all, my patience paid off. After chasing this buck for 3 years, I just felt I'd have to wait till this time of year. (Late Rut" to have the best chance at him. He favors a trail right on top of a steep riverbank that is Super thick Buckthorn. Have wanted to put a stand there for years as most older bucks over the years also favored it but it's so nasty I just never put in the time to do it. This past spring, I was stranded at my cabin for 6 days due to flooding. I had time to finally do it. I need a west wind to hunt it. Weather here has been terrible the past 10 days but today was perfect. 25*,sunny,West wind but way to calm for my liking. Got into that stand to find the seat was solid ice. Was to close to bedding area to risk breaking it. No choice but to just sit on it which started melting and I was stuck. Had to get into theposition I thought would give me the best options and run with it. Had a spike come by not long after getting settled. Bout 4:00, 6_7 does came by and stopped and fed on browse at 10 yards. I was super pinned down!.didn't dare blink. They finally drifted off(thankfully) as my hands were cold. MostPeople don't realize how hard it is to stay undetected when it cold/snow/calm when your covered up with does at close range. After they drifted off, I just had a strange feeling it was gonna happen, like I "knew" he'd be coming Senses were in hypedrive. Looked down by the river and about 200 yards away, I could see a big bodied deer walking up the bank and go into the woods angling my way. Grabbed the bow. Just knew. He came at a fast walk following the same trail as the does took. Even though I knew it was "him" it was so thick I couldn't confirm it until he was about 20 yards and walking fast. I had about a 4' opening to shoot through, drew and waiting till he got to it.didnt dare try to stop him because if he didn't stop, I would no other chance to move as my ass was froze to the stand. He was about 12 yards when I shot. He bolted and went about 30 yards and stopped. All I could see was his feet then lost track of him visually. I sat for about 10 minutes listening not hearing anything. Then I caught movement. There was a deer walking Super Slow about where I last seen him. Couldn't see anything but glimpses of legs/feet. Gave it a few minutes, found my arrow and walked to my cabin. Shot felt/looked good but decided to wait till morning. If he were too happen to get bumped and cross the river, I would not be allowed to follow. Playing it safe. Oh, he's the only buck I wanted to kill this year. An old bugger. He busted off one side 2 weeks ago and wasn't a big scoring deer to begin with but the history I've had with him makes it a super trophy in my book. Sorry team 5, if all goes well, he ain't gonna garner us a whole Lotta points Will resume at daybreak.
I wish I could, I would be right back in that same drainage. But work and now a sick kid has me tied up. Looks like Thanksgiving morning will be my next hunt. Going right back to that spot, but this time I will be in the right tree. How are you feeling? Family doing ok with the sickness? Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Good deal, you’ll be in the chips! Yes all is well, whatever it is it’s very mild, my wife and kid are good all fevers are gone just normal cold stuff. Alarm is set, if I feel as good as I do now, tom am I’ll be going to Ohio. Thanks for asking and good luck with your family as well!
Well at 5 o clock it all broke loose. Buck on other side of field. Then a buck in nieghbors bean field. Go to grab something and buck in field in front of me. Go range and bow picked up while he was watching me. Slung an arrow heard a thud and he spun and ran hard. Go to truck to head home eat and go back to track. 7 does/fawns run across rode. Nailed one with the gmc 2500hd broadhead. Belly full getting ready to go look for the buck. blood is 5 feet from point of impact.
Appears to be a good Sunday. Different buck 40 yards from where I sat tonight. You can see my boot tracks on my walk out this evening.
Great job BnB!!!!! Those older bucks you have history with are true trophies! Good luck on the recovery!!!!!
Don't ever remove that stand. Replace straps, trim new lanes upgrade the comfort of it, but you know as well as I that you have a new killing stand. Get after him in the morning hopefully no predators get to him. Which prompts the next question, is that arrow with the vinyl fletchings a predator arrow or last resort?