Tony gonna need some snow shoes! Glad I am on the west shore of Lk MI. We don't get many lake enhanced snows. Last big one was 26" on 15 April 2018
I took the ebike for the first time today. How awesome. I was there in a minute flat, silent, and zero sweat. Only one lone doe walking by in the distance. Weird, perfect, cold morning. Good luck all
I ask because I had a great spot, also farm country, that was destroyed for 2 seasons because of a couple dogs that were chasing deer. I was lucky to even see a deer. Nobody knew who they belonged to.
Just had this guy walk by at 15 yards. Too bad I only have antlerless tags left until late season bow
This really blows. Coffee isn’t even cutting it for me today. Might be an early morning for me, think I need a nappy. This afternoon I’m taking the bike way back where I saw all the chasing the other day. Last day for this trip, gun season starts tomorrow, I’ll be headed home. Where are the damn deer?!