Heck of a buck. He looked that big from the pic. I hope you did a seductive trophy photo, haha! Would be a good honor for Greg. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Great shot on the doe!!!! Please tell me she wasn't 35 yards away. Alenhard - Way to get'er done on minimal sleeeeeep! Justin - Heck of a buck man. Congratulations. OND - now I gotta have some fresh backstrap with garlic butter. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. First day in 2 weeks I'm not hunting. Need to do some laundry from yesterday, reactivate Scent Lok, and clean the house a bit. Good luck to all hunting. This cold snap is getting the deer movin. There's standing corn where I hunt and the snow is going to slow their harvest. Standing corn with snow = deer magnet! I NEED at least 3 does. Gonna be fun.
Whatever happened to Greg H? TJ, awesome buck and I thought he won go a little higher in the 160s Congratulations Fred! Double up! Adam, couldn’t be happier for you! What a fall you are having! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
GregH passed away during the summer. RIP https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/greg-h-situation.100659/