So guys while cleaning the T.V. room I found a brand new tinks in heat drip. Think it's too late to put it out? I'm thinking of trying the Gypsy blind again because they'll be wanting to hit feed in the green field. I'll try to entice so.watching with the buck decoy. . I think that's what had the deer circling the blind. He was leaning against it with a camp blanket tied around his head. The tail was in a container in the blind. I would put the drip near there..Actually somewhere on the way in well away from the property line and gun hunters but where they may walk past the blind trails . I'm headed out soon.
Awesome Brett! You definitely have worked hard for that. Congrats!! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
I'm heading back out to the killing tree around 2:00 o'clock. Hopefully love is in the air and the critters are playing right past my stand!!!!!