I’m out in the back yard blind again over looking the swamp, front is pushing through as we speak and the wind has shifted. Good luck everyone
I just checked forecast, no chance to miss rain at camp.so not another half tank of gas for there. Tomorrow I may miss rain until 9 then torrential down pours due until Sunday . Then that mixes with snow. Will make a,first light hunt in morning. After that I may make at least one more camp hunt on Tuesday. Low winds and 20's SSE. Looking back, worst bow season bar none,I've ever had. No shots at all.
I need this wind to keep blowing around 7 ‘mph until dark. It is feeling bucky over here. C’mon bucks!
Raining, temps about to drop 30* next 5 hrs. Thank God for the waterproofed boonie.. F everything- KILL
40 minutes to go, it is probably going to close to the end of legal light if this works. C’mon bucks, one of you must be so horny you are stupid. Come my way.
Five does and a small buck is tale of the tape for the evening. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Nothing seen tonight, so nothing seen all day. Oh well, cold front tomorrow! 25 degree tenp drop and switch to NW winds.