I should have read this first. There are those pockets in the cavity that just dont have immediate blood. If you punch through them by the time the blood surfaces the arrow has already passed through. Im still saying dead deer though.
I know it wasn't further back. There is nothing but blood. No bubbles. No watery look. Just bright red (so someone told me) blood. I'm really thinking the chances of finding her are low, but I'm not going to quit until I know. I just need better eyes on the track.
Oh yeah, Brett left last night. He did blood trail one doe for me while he was here though. Why do you think I invite these young guys to camp?
My guess at this point is she was quartering to me more than I thought. I don't think it was lower. Also, heart shot deer don't live as long as I saw her move. Still, I don't have a choice but to follow the blood trail and give my best effort.
the arrow looks like a non-lethal mostly fat shot, but that is a lot of blood. Hopefully you nicked the heart.
One other thing: I would really rather not pursue this deer where it is going. It's headed down into my valley and I really hate to stomp around down there in the dark. We will though, and if we find her getting her out of there is going to be a major evolution. Not only is the terrain brutal but she looked like a big ol' girl. I have to admit that there is a big part of me that's hoping she survives.
Yes they do actually. I shot a swamp 8pt and it was center punch heart with the cross bow, heart side shot. He never jumped but just walked off 20 yards deeper into the thick wild rose and tipped over. Double lunged ,heart shot a 6pt. That took just two bounds stopped ,looked around a moment. They coughed up a spray of blood and tipped over.
Like I said before, there wasn't any fat on the arrow. I sure can't explain it. Edited to add that a friend of mine in our Arkansas club told me about a few deer that had been hit low. The blood was minimal for a long way and then everything just ruptured. That is really what I'm hoping for. If that doesn't happen I don't think we're gonna find her. What we really need on this track is a designated beer carrier. We have a different title for that job in our Arkansas club, but I can't post it here.
Gotta be either you or your nephew at this point, hope he enjoys his new role Guessing beer bytch? I can skirt some of the **** without being offensive
You guessed it! Greg has already been volunteered. We just need one person who isn't drinking to carry a sidearm. There are a few critters here that could be a problem. Improbable, but possible.