Changed screen name as well, welcome back to the forums and the woods. Good luck in the morning, hopefully he's still warm and salvageable when you find him.
Well, a while after I shot at him a 6 point came straight to my stand and stared at me for a solid 30 seconds. It's like it knows I can't do anything.
One detail I left out of today’s story: While we were out hunting this afternoon my wife dropped off a casserole dish of turkey & dumplings along with three bowls and a gallon ziploc bag full of chocolate chip cookies. I am a lucky guy.
Hell, we all knew that when she drove your back up bow to KY after the string derailment. Ain't no(double negative) advice needed to be given on keeping her happy. Her actions speak volumes to you're doing it right.
Up since 3:30, hubby alarm went off and after the second snooze one of us figured out what it meant. Dog fed, laundry done, mouse trap emptied, showered dressed and having coffee by 4:30. Listening to the wind chimes so the winds blowing pretty good. Was suppose to go get new phone today with daughter but she has to fire someone so Saturday is the new plan. They've all but turned the dang thing off already. I won't miss, you need a new device upgrade we all no longer support the Samsung........4....LOL I wasn't going to go out due to 74 but may. I'll tell you a dark walk in will scare me today. The coyotes have packed up and were raising heck last night around the house. Had AJ a bit crazed with the amount of howling and yipping going on. They had their volume on hi for sure. Good luck guys.
This next week ought to be crazy. Good luck to you all!!!!! You all can be wishing me in 7 or 8 days when I start my Ohio hunt! Til then, you all have fun Killin, and be safe!!!!!
Wish me luck! I am about to venture in with a Summit Viper strapped to my back. First climber I have used in about 10 years! It is considerably lighter than the last! Ha ha! Been using a Lone Wolf for the last 5, and it is still hanging about 200 yards from where I am going. Found a few scrapes on Wednesday afternoon, so here I go. Good luck all! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
All setup. 40 degrees, foggy, leaves are wet. Had to self recover at 8’ this morning. My dumbass forgot to clip my umbilical tether from my platform to me. Of course the one time I do my platform slips off my toes and down it went. Hanging comfy in my saddle I use some pars cord with a broken keychain caribiner to fish my platform and bring it back up. Lol! 1/2 hour till legal shooting light. Be safe y’all!
10yrs ago today (please excuse the bad picture). Still my biggest to date. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk