Gun season opens Saturday for 9 days. Makes it very difficult with the amount of people. Turns everything nocturnal 90% of the time until late season if you have food… which we do not. It can also bump deer/make them move but it just seems to get real tough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m set up. Maybe I’ll see a doe or two and maybe the bucks will go to Brett and Greg. I almost killed a doe walking in. Greg and I had split up. I got close to the pond and I saw a doe about 75 yards away at the pond. It’s attention was locked on Greg, so I took a knee, took off my pack, grabbed my back-up release and started crawling. I got to 45 yards and she was behind a bush. I got to my knees, dialed 45 on my sight and hooked onto my loop. At this point Greg was out of sight but she was still staring that’ll direction. I just needed her to go left or right but she went straight away. I probably should have just tried to stand up. Oh well. It was a pretty cool start to the afternoon sit.
You got this man. Saturday remember where that guy was set up and predict escape routes to bedding near you. Be there...
Lucked out they are injecting . Now they started upper field at day break never hit ours until 2pm. They quit at 5. The winds switched so not bad at all TG! That was 8 hrs of non stop manure spreading in just that one field. They should be back bright and early until at least 11 tomorrow. All the racket allowed one more trail behind house cleaning. Every trees even beech have lost their leaves quiet walks till end of season all the way down to swamp. Even got more Windows washed and gutters cleaned. Good to go Once the weather drops temps a bit. The yellow jackets and big blow flies out were nasty without a dead animal around.
VS, make sure you go sit in LC's spots. He is seeing bucks. It will assist in our taking 1 st place from team #12 for team #3 P VS P
Busch light and ibuprofen needed tonight. 32 hours in the stand last 3 days is wearing on this young bucks back and feet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk