What happens when you haven't seen a deer the last 10 hrs on stand? You eat poorly and thank God a candy bar was in your pack.
I’m on hour 13 and have no damn candy bars. Staying positive though. Best days are still ahead of us. Have a few options for this weekend. I will be a part of the orange army. I almost always bring my bow with me in case there is a chance at a close range shot. Girlfriends dad said his son might want to try and get out. Thought I would go with him if he wants. They have a little hut on the edge of the picked beans but I’ll offer up one of my stands if he wants. Hasn’t hunted in years. Other option is to go to my brothers 160 acres like I always do. Our family is up from Texas hunting though so not sure how much room there will be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I gave up the stand for the diner. Good luck Pastorjim. May try this afternoon to go clean up a stand on my cousin property and claim eminent domain over it
I post my nephews Ohio trip every year and they all scored again… 4th year in a row … Mansfield area Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Alright! Just got a break and able to catch up a little! Trust your instincts and dont rush anything! Good luck!
That looks like a awesome trip right there! Now the real question, why are you not out there with them? Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
If you hit the main shoulder bone with a Rage, which the crack sound says you did, it won’t get thru that Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
The guy that got the lease doesn’t want anyone else on there … yet Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums