Good to hear you're in the right number of pieces. Accident sounds like something I'd do...I say I have no coordination, but great reaction speed to compensate.
I walked a ton. Worn out. So glad I did because I found big human trails on the section I thought looked good on the map. Came down the hill about halfway and started picking up sign a couple hundred yards from the top of the steep hills. Then I had to find ways into these spots so I walked a lot to find lanes of travel through the thick cover. I'm thoroughly worn out! I found an old homestead real deep. Oh yeah I think I may have found a community scrape on the bench on the side of the hill.
I'm pulling the plug on this hunting trip. I know why I'm not seeing deer. The soybeans are turning and the corn is still in the fields. The deer are feeding on the corn, not the soybeans, and where I've been hunting the woods are surrounded by soybeans. I said earlier that the farmer was going to bush hog a path for me to cross the creek so I could hunt the old farm equipment road going between two corn fields and then along a wood edge. Well, he couldn't get the crossing mowed. He tried but it's really steep and his tractor couldn't make it up the other side because of all the rain. So, I took a machete, crossed on a beaver dam and hacked a path to the other side. There is usually a grass edge on the field, but this guy who is farming their land across the creek planted right up to the wood edge. Something (I figure deer) had knocked the stalks all over the place making it next to impossible to walk the rows to the road between the fields. I thought "I can deal with this" so I fought my way to the road. It's still there, but it was grown up in weeds and grass chest high. If I was stupid enough to fight my way in there with all my gear to hunt it I wouldn't have a clean shot. I went and checked another farm this guy owns that's planted in corn (I've hunted it before) but all of the edges are the same as the road above. All grown up with no way to get into the wood patches. Bottom line is there is nothing moving where I can hunt right now and I can't get to where the deer are moving right now, so I'm going to sit my butt in the travel trailer this evening, have a few beers and then head home in the morning. I'm not going to waste any more time sweating and seeing nothing. I have my tag so I'll be back, and it's only 10 days until the Missouri season opens.
I almost nosedived off a 5 foot embankment onto some rocks yesterday afternoon while fishing. Luckily I made one last athletic move and grabbed a hold of a branch before smashing my face. Lol!
I would say athletic moves are beyond my ability now, but the fact that I managed to hit the ground face first and not smash my bow under me indicates that this might not be totally true. Yet.
I had the weirdest thing happen about an hour and a half ago. I was on the forums on my MacBook Pro using the hotspot on my iPhone. I shut the hotspot off and called my brother. I went to turn it back on and there was no hotspot. I mean there was no line in settings to turn the hotspot on. Not only was there no hotspot, but I had no internet on my phone. Nothing. I had no data at all. Naturally I couldn't look up a solution, look up a number or anything. I could still call, so I called my wife and she read all of the possible solutions: Reset WiFi, Cellular this, Cellular that, reset settings, reset all settings. Finally she looked up a number and I called. After working through all of the automated garbage I finally got to talk to a human. He sent some kind of reactivation to my phone and I was back online. I have no idea why this would happen, but it sure came at an inconvenient time.
@LC was going to post this pic later in the year but since you tweaked the fender, maybe you won't have to do this.