So I won't have to use a machete after all. I told the farmer I was going to be crossing the creek tomorrow and he offered to bush hog it for me. These are really good people. I always make sure they know where I am hunting since I'm here alone.
No dice for me. My buddy shot a decent one in full velvet. 10yd shot full pass through fixed blade but the arrow looks different. Shot at 8. Heading to town to eat and then likely go back in to find him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shouldn’t have said different. 10yd quartering to shot. Thinking for sure 1 lung, liver, and some stomach (bubbles, light&dark blood, and stomach matter). Full pass through with single bevel. Couldn’t find blood for 40yds so think we are letting him lay tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On stand in south carolina. First time sitting on my own property. Hoping to see just one. Put some corn out around 11 yesterday and they've pretty well decimated it.
Thanks good luck to you too! Pulling for you. Already have something milling around me in the creek that runs through the property. If I see a single deer I'll be ecstatic. Just heard what I believe is an owl. Can't really see anything yet.
At this point I’d be happy just to see a deer. I don’t remember the last time I sat the T-woods twice without seeing deer.
Sometimes I annoy myself because once I get stuck on something I just get it done. Lol. I keep telling myself I need to scout this particular piece of high ground. Today is the perfect day to do it so close to the season as it is gonna be drizzling off and on. 1.5 miles hike here we go.
I wrecked my stupid e-bike riding out this morning. I ride in and out along a fencerow that is all Osage. I've been trying to watch for those Osage "oranges" and I've bumped a few, but I didn't see this one and it must have been a whopper. It kicked my front wheel up and out to the right. I had almost no time to react. I was wearing my bow on my chest. Somehow I remembered that when I was falling so I hit in push-up position and caught all the weight I could. There was a little mud on my sight so I need to shoot the bow to check it. All it did to the bike was break the back off of the fender and torque the handlebars a bit. I twisted them back in place, but I'll need a new fender. As for me, I'm no worse off for the experience.
No deer. 0 blood. Split up and each grid searched 3 miles. Hit every trail we could find. Checked the swamps and water. Just too thick. Here is a picture of what we were working with. We are assuming he hit 1 lung and then liver/guts and the guts plugged the hole. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk