I screwed up this morning, and had no service. Got in well, missed the spot I wanted to setup, but ended up in a better spot about 40-50yds away. I had the stand dead into the wind hoping for a spot at my 9. Predicted wind had yes rustling and the acorns raining from the red oaks. A surprise shower started picking up before dawn...so a lot of noise. Finally key in on steps at my 5...and it's close. I got my bow on my left and got to my feet, as I turned it bolted...didn’t get a good look...was inside 15 yds. Wind got squirrelly mid day with 180 degree switched...damn it.
Good luck PM killers. Decided id rather take the wifey out to dinner instead of hunt. (Aka the wind still sucks where im hunting). Win/win right? Shhh dont tell her
Guess this would be a good time to ask. For those of you who want to sit in a certain tree/area and no path that takes you to it, how are you navigating? Phone with location on with a sattelite map? My first hunt this coming Friday I'll be goong in blind and keeping it fairly simple by entering on edge of an ag field, or hitting the area I found while mushrooming.
Phone with location. Basemap app, I've got maps downloaded and pins already placed...but there are plenty of other tool options. Oh, and this mushroom from last week...hen of the woods.
I look for landmarks that I can easily remember. Whether a rock formation, funny looking tree, a stream etc. I do have huntstand and allow it to track me if all else fails though. If I'm on private land I will mark the path I take in some way. But public land I do it mostly by sense of direction. And I usually leave the stand 30 minutes to an hour early. To not have to navigate the terrain in the dark. Also I lose the ability to shoot sooner than most due to eyes being terrible. I have a pretty good sense of direction and don't usually need huntstand. Mainly it's for my family as most of the time I hunt alone. It allows them to see where I am at if I haven't checked in with them by the time the sun goes down. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Yep, have never tried them. Found one once at the base of the oak a double laddrr stand was in, but I had urinated from the stand multiole times and nope. I like morels, but breaded and fried. I can't eat them sautéd, too slimy even though flavorful. Don't think hens take to breading and frying very well.
In blind and so wish I'd gotten the,roof on it this,summer. Beside for snow and rain, the sun just beats down on you in the evenings. Next year it has been a good afternoon area and the only spot here to hunt these south east winds . Rememberd sun goggles this time. Hoping the half dozen vehicle at place across street and the hunter that showed at camp between us has the deer on this side or wanting to move to 5his,side tonight. I see a bunch of beds in the fox tail in front I assume many more in my corn /sorghum to my left.
I use OnX now for most of my big woods navigation, but if the signal is weak or non-existent it’s pretty much useless and I fall back to my Garmin Oregon 550T that’s always in my pack. It’s much more accurate than phone apps anyway. I just use OnX when I can because it’s convenient.
Didn't plan on getting in the stand this early but I looked out behind my house and there were deer in the field already. I don't hunt the property behind my house I've never asked for permission. So I'm up at my cousin's property about 3 miles from my house sitting inside the field edge about 25 yds on my left and power line about 75yds to the right. Service sucks so no pics.
If its my very first time and going in blind i will attempt to go in with on-x study terrain and landmarks that i can look for on the map and hopefully i will stumble onto them as im going in and it will make sense. If not i will sit tight till sun up and i can see a little better rather than get in some tree/area i dont want to be in
I lost my old hand held GPS. I use OnX now and it's not at as accurate as my old backwoods navigator app This is the afternoon a big buck walks by...good luck!
I'm in the blind for the evening. I haven't hunted this property yet, but my cell cam says things are heating up. I need to put eyes on a certain 3 year old 8 point to see if he's a shooter (even though I know I shouldn't).
Take an umbrella and bungee cords next time you sit it, as long as not too windy. Half serious, half joking
Your phone not have GPS? never really use it much mainly for driving directions. I didn't think gps needed cellular service to work. Need to check into it as I most likely will not have service most sits.